Section on Positive Psychology
Awards for Distinguished Contributions to Positive Psychology
The Section on Positive Psychology has two yearly awards:
Student Award for Distinguished Contributions to Positive Psychology
Shane J. Lopez Award for Professional Contributions in Positive Psychology
These awards were established to honor the contributions of students and psychologists in the science, practice, and teaching of positive psychology.
We highly encourage you to either self-nominate (don’t be shy!) or to nominate another student affiliate or member of APA by sending an email to Brian Cole giving the nominee’s contact information.
If you choose to nominate someone other than yourself, please do so by March 8th. The Awards Committee will contact the nominee to let them know and to encourage them to submit the application materials. The deadline for submitting application materials is April 30th.
· The nominee must be either a current Member or Student Affiliate of the American Psychological Association.
· The nominee must have made a significant contribution to the science, practice, clinical training, and/or teaching of positive psychology. Nominees may also be persons who divide their professional activities among each area.
Examples of contributions may include:
· Contributions to science that are made through publication of either research findings or theory that generates research.
· Contributions to practice that are made through direct service to clients or through research that has clear and immediate implications for direct service.
· Contributions to teaching and/or training students in positive psychology.
Nominees will be asked to submit the following: (a) an application letter indicating the significance of the nominee’s contributions and achievements in positive psychology (no more than three pages single-spaced); (b) no more than two supporting letters from professional colleagues, collaborators, and/or psychologists; and (c) a copy of the nominee’s vita.
Please include "Positive Psychology Award" in the subject of your email.
Announcement of the award winners will be made at the annual APA Convention and announced on the Section on Positive Psychology and Division 17 listservs.