Division 17 Section on Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is the scientific study of human strengths and virtues. It involves an attempt to move toward a more balanced perspective on human functioning that considers motives, capacities, and human potentials. Counseling Psychology historically and presently continues to be one of the few disciplines that highlights the values of fostering human capacities, satisfaction, and well-being. In some form Counseling Psychology has always been a vital part of promoting good health and preventing disease, including mental, physical, and social disorders for individuals and communities. It is in the context that this Section was formed. The aim of this group is to focus on how Counseling Psychology fosters and builds human strength and well-being and in pursuing this endeavor, furthers the development of positive psychological science and practice. This site includes information about positive psychology research, teaching, and practice as well as events, strengths-based books, and resources.

The Section on Positive Psychology placed a call for nominations for open leadership positions. Please review the materials from each nominee and vote at the link provided to you by email. 


Communications Officer (Open to Section Members)

The Communications Officer shall keep the records of the Section (including but not limited to minutes of meetings of the Section and the Executive Committee), conduct the official correspondence of the Section, and keep membership informed about the activities of the Section through coordinating, putting together, and distributing the Section newsletter. The Communications Officer will also maintain an updated membership roster of the Section.

Position Open (second call for nominations pending)

Treasurer (Open to Section Members)

The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the funds and financial records of the Section and for preparing the reports and performing the duties and responsibilities outlined in Article VIII of our Bylaws (http://www.div17pospsych.com/our-mission/). The Treasurer shall work with the Division 17 Treasurer to establish and maintain appropriate financial records and procedures.

 Ingrid Weigold

Practice Representative (Open to Section Members or Affiliates)

The Practice Representative shall gather and disseminate resources to the section relevant to clinicians who utilize positive psychology in their work. The Practice Representative will also be responsible for other duties assigned by the Section Chair.

Deborah Pardue

Srishyama Vempaty

Student Representative Position (Open to Student Members)

The Student Representative will lead and coordinate the Student Campus Representative program. The Student Representative actively works to recruit student members and makes sure that the section meets the needs of student members. The Student Representative also assists with gathering and disseminating resources and information to the students in the section. The Student Representative will also be responsible for other duties assigned by the Section Chair.

Julia Cawthra

Ian Evans

Sarah Milam